Paula Parker Designs

About Paula Parker

Entrepreneur and Austin Artist Paula Parker

Entrepreneur and Austin Artist Paula Parker

Paula Parker is a native Texan, born and raised in suburban Houston.  After graduating from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Marketing, Paula embarked on a career in Retail Store Management with Foley’s Department Store and then with Coach Leatherware, where she gained practical experience in business management, design, advertising and publishing.

Shortly after the birth of her son in 1991, Paula began to revisit her creative talents, which she put aside while pursuing her business degree. In 1992, she co-founded Kaye Lynn Creations, specializing in floral design, faux painting and designer plaster work. Ten years later she ventured off on her own and started Roses on a Veranda, also an interior design company.

In 2004, Paula relocated to Austin, Texas, to further pursue her artistic and entrepreneurial aspirations. In July 2007, she launched Paula Parker Designs, dedicated to “Bringing the art of Austin, Texas, to the world.” Paula Parker Designs currently represents Paula’s decorative art collections – “Prologue” and her “Plaster Mache Sculpture” – and fellow Austin artist Matchi’s canvas art. The company has also published a fine art book, Art in Austin… the registry (Volume One, Fall 2008), and has plans for additional publications focusing on art in Texas and other regions of the United States.

Paula currently resides in Austin.

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